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After using the cover the algae was dead within a week or two

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Very impressed with my EnergyGuard™ Selective Transmission pool cover. I have a natural, unheated swimming pool. Water is circulated through bio filter to keep it clean without chemicals, but clearing the algae after its winter shutdown can be a problem. (Think pea soup!) However, after using the cover the algae was dead within a week or two and vacuumed out of the pool with ease. It has even killed off the biofilm which makes the walls of natural pools quite slick, so I’m delighted, and the pool water is sparkling clear in record time.

It’s early days for assessing heating, but the pool temperature has risen about 6 degrees in a week, now the sun has come back, so I have high hopes.

Aesthetically, the dark blue colour actually blends in very well and is far less noticeable than I thought, even in a natural setting with pool vegetation.

In summary, an excellent product. Controls algae in the most challenging of circumstances!