How to close your pool for the winter
It’s that time of year again, the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler and it’s time to close your pool for the winter. We’ve put together a quick guide to help you through the process.
Step 1: Backwash the filter thoroughly
Step 2: Clear all skimmers
Step 3: Thoroughly clean the pool

The outdoor pool season is over and we have closed down our test pools for the winter. All five of our pools are covered with EnergyGuard™ Selective Transmission to keep them algae free until the new pool season.
Step 4: Treat the pool chemically (shock if needed) and balance the TA, CH, FC and pH
Step 5: Drain the water to about 20cm below the skimmers
Step 6: Drain out and switch off the filter/pump and shut off the values
Step 7: Place your cover on the pool once the water has returned to 4ppm
Step 8: Leave for the winter

Making the effort to properly shut down your pool for the winter will mean that when it comes time to open it up again, you will save a lot of time and money. Using EnergyGuard™ Selective Transmission as a winter cover will keep the water clear of algae and debris, making the restarting of the pool quicker and more cost effective.