How to keep your pool cool
14th Julho 2022, 10:35 am
It’s a bit hot out there today isn’t it? What could be nicer on a day like today, than having a dip in a refreshing, cool pool? But with temperatures rising, you may find yourself asking: “How do I keep my pool water cool?” Traditional methods of keeping a pool cool As water evaporates from…
How to save money on the running of your pool
23rd Maio 2022, 1:50 pm
With the cost of living rising so dramatically, we’re all looking at ways we can save money. As a pool owner, there are many ways you can save money on the running of your pool. 1. Keep your chemicals balanced Maintaining proper chemical balance in your pool can mean that you avoid major algae problems,…
How Does a Solar Pool Cover Work?
20th Abril 2022, 3:16 pm
Are you thinking about how you can heat your swimming pool more efficiently? In this blog we explain how a solar pool cover works to raise the temperature of your pool plus the other benefits it can bring… Importance of a Pool Cover For an outdoor pool, having a pool cover of any sort is…
Como aquecer uma piscina sem aquecedor
21st Março 2022, 1:28 pm
Todos querem uma piscina aquecida, não é verdade? Uma piscina fria não é propriamente convidativa… Está a pensar como pode aquecer uma piscina sem um aquecedor? Sem dúvida que é possível! Neste blog, debatemos formas de aquecer eficazmente a sua piscina, enquanto poupa nos custos… Qual o custo de manter uma piscina com um aquecedor…
What causes Pool Algae?
18th Janeiro 2022, 3:43 pm